Belgian Red Cross-French: Blood Service
Rue du Fond du Maréchal, 8
B-5020 Suarlée
Belgian Red Cross-Flanders
Motstraat 42
B-2800 Mechelen
The French and Flemish sections of the Belgian Red Cross have their own blood institutes.
The Flemish section has one blood establishment to cover collection of blood, plasma and platelets, processing of blood, storage and delivery to the hospitals. Blood, plasma and platelets are collected in 13 fixed donor centres and in more than 800 mobile collection sites in Flanders and Brussels. The blood products are processed in 2 production centers. The testing lab of the Flemish blood institute, the quality assurance and the donor recruitment are centralized. The Flemish section has also three Immunohematology laboratories, one Laboratory of Histocompatibility & Immunogenetics, a facility for processing and distribution of umbilical cord blood, and one Research laboratory. The supporting services of the blood institute, f.e. human resources, finance and information technology, are centralized to the headquarters of the Red Cross.
The Diagnostic laboratories are certified ISO 15189. Intermediate plasma products are fractionated at CSL.
The French section has one blood establishment to cover collection of blood, plasma and platelets ; processing of blood, storage and delivery to hospitals.
Collection is done in 17 fixed centers and more than 850 mobile collection sites in Wallonia and Brussels.
Testing lab, blood product processing, storage, and all supporting services (e.g. quality assurance, human resources, finance, IT, communication) are centralized in one single location (Suarlée near Namur in the middle of Wallonia). Blood products are distributed to 43 hospital blood banks in Wallonia and Brussels.
Since 2007, the French Section’s blood establishment is certified ISO9001 and the testing lab is accredited ISO 15189.
Intermediate plasma products is fractionated at CSL