The Donor Health Care programme is the first postgraduate educational programme in its field. It offers a unique E-learning programme for medical professionals involved in assessing donors and obtaining Substances of Human Origin (SoHO). It is an overarching programme for the fields of blood, tissues, cells and tissue donation.
Project on DOnor MAnagement IN Europe was completed in 2011 with the publishing of the Domaine Manual. The Project Group has now moved on to giving training sessions on successful donor management.
The first project that brought together regulators and manufacturers together to develop criteria and standards for Inspections. The Project group has delivered two manuals:
EUBIS Common criteria for the inspection of Blood Establishments
EUBIS Audit/inspection training guide
This group has now given several training sessions on Inspections throughout the world. More information and the eBooks of the Manuals can be found on their website:
EUOBUP has produced a Manual aimed at promoting improvement in the quality of the clinical transfusion process, defined as “Transfusion of the right unit of blood to the right patient at the right time, and in the right condition and according to appropriate guidelines”.
The manual contains information to:
– How to deliver QA of the clinical transfusion process
– Promote best practice in blood transfusion
– How to comply with relevant EU directives
The overall objective of the project is to contribute to good quality management (QM) in blood services, based on the requirements set out in Directive 2002/98/EC and its technical annexes. The manual can be ordered through the website