Blood Establishments Collaborative Procurement Network (BECPN)
BECPN membership currently consists of the following Blood Establishments (BEs)
- NHS Blood and Transplant (NHSBT)
- Red Cross – Flanders Blood Service
- Etablissement Francais du Sang (EFS)
- Welsh Blood Service (WBS)
- Sanquin
- Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service (SNBTS)
- Organisation of Transfusion Centres Denmark
- Irish Blood Transfusion Service (IBTS)
On request other BEs may join at any stage
- Identify ways to minimise direct as well as indirect purchase costs for our Organisations.
- Share information on Products, Supplier Audits, Market Knowledge and Quality Issues.
- Identify Goods or Services suitable for Collaborative Procurement projects, this may between two or more Group Members.
Projects under active Consideration
- Arm Cleaning System (Short term)
- NAT/Virology (Medium Term)
- Plasmaphereis (Short Term)
On going